
2 horas

Horario: salidas: 9:30 AM y 17:30 PM.


Fácil Intermedio Difícil
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Disfruta de un hermoso recorrido a caballo por la reserva el Triwe donde podrás apreciar un bosque con especies nativas.



Proyecto Tierra Nueva Ruta V26 NºS/N, Frutillar

Passengers are received at the Reserve's barbecue area, where visitor registration is carried out, the conservation objectives of the native forest are discussed, and a map of the place is presented to contextualize the visitors. The passengers sign the risk acceptance sheet for the activity and an introduction to the history of the place and the area is made.

Later, a safety talk and a riding test are held in the administration sector.

Then the tour begins through meadows and forest sectors, with a duration of approximately 1.5 hrs.

The path corresponds to a circuit.

Maximum number of people: 4 pax

Schedule: Departures: 9:30 AM and 5:30 PM.
Once the activity has been purchased, the schedule must be coordinated.

$65,000 per person (1 person)

$55,000 per person (2 or 4 people)

This activity has been carried out since the age of 12.

Horseback riding in El Triwe Nature Reserve - Frutillar

Desde $55.000 (mínimo 2 personas) Actividad
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Horseback riding in El Triwe Nature Reserve - Frutillar
Horseback riding in El Triwe Nature Reserve - Frutillar
Horseback riding in El Triwe Nature Reserve - Frutillar
Horseback riding in El Triwe Nature Reserve - Frutillar
Horseback riding in El Triwe Nature Reserve - Frutillar
Horseback riding in El Triwe Nature Reserve - Frutillar