Entrada Termas Cochamó
7 horas
Senderismo guiado
Lago Ranco
Winter ascent with snowshoes to the Azufreras del Cordón Caulle sector. An excursion that begins with an ascent in a 4x4, through the forest of Coihues, Mañíos and Patagonian Lenga, among other species, reaching the living volcanic formations of sulfur, where we can see their vapors, colors and muddy water outlets with the predominant ash from the place, giving a unique contrast of colors, smells and temperatures (future Puyehue Geopark).
It is possible to contract the transport service round trip Futrono or Lago Ranco, this has an extra price of $25,000 for the group.
If you need more information, you can contact us at +56949773485
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