Entrada Termas Cochamó
12 horas
Leaving early from your lodging in Puerto Varas we headed through the Austral highway in the direction of the town of Hornopirén, crossing the Reloncaví Estuary by barge.
Arriving at the town we head towards Lake Cabrera to start the 6 km route between forests of Coihues, Mañíos, Ciprés, Tepas, Raulíes and Alerces, walking along an old logging route for the extraction of Alerces and Mañíos, where we will observe vestiges of the tasks and houses of the first lumber settlers manufacturers of tiles.
Arriving at Lake Cabrera we will observe the Hornopirén and Yates Volcanoes with the extension of their volcanic cord in contrast to the turquoise waters of the lake.
After resting and regaining strength, we will head back to Puerto Varas but not before visiting the waterfront of the town of Hornopirén.
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