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1 hora
Libera a tu músico interior
Puerto Varas
Individual Rock class
“Discover and release the musician inside you”
Do you have that favorite song running through your head and would you like to sing or play it like a rockstar?
It's possible! And in the best place in southern Chile!
This session consists of an individual music class with a specialized teacher where you can choose to have a singing class or a class with an instrument which can be: guitar, drums, bass, keyboard, ukulele (or it can be be combined)
You will get the best tips to let go, breathe well and have the best rock attitude.
Duration of the class: 1 hour.
Price: $30,000
Music school opening hours:
Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Saturdays: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Important: Once the class has been purchased, the schedule and type of class to take must be coordinated, it can be singing or instrument class or combined.
The Music School will contact you to coordinate.
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